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Basics of Supercross: How to Stream Live?

Did you know that the popular AMA Supercross is happening on January 5th, 2019?

This probably has been a great news to everyone who’s such a huge motocross fan, spectator, and commentator. Come on— if someone can love car racing, and action sports so much, then why not at supercross?

Basically, your thoughts are now shifting from getting your work done or securing yourself a ticket to Anaheim and enjoy the game. Maybe with a couple of friends. But what if you are too occupied with life’s responsibilities and the need for you to work?

Well, the best option is to either watch a television channel broadcast at home or watch a supercross live stream.  Either which, it would still be so amazing having to see your favorite riders on screen with popcorns on and your usual friends hopping in.

In today’s blog, I will talk about the basics of supercross and how you can ensure you are going live streaming on January 5th. Let’s check this out!

What is Supercross

Supercross is a type of racing that uses off-road motorcycles on track. It’s sometimes called as SX. supercross tracks are normally made out of artificial dirt with steep jumps and obstacles, making motorcycles spin, willy and do tricks.

The concept of Supercross came from the sports motocross, another motorcycling organization who also organizes the same racing events. Although both crosses are similar in so many ways however they can be in a lot different as well.  Supercross is most likely played by experienced riders because of a more difficult race track that involves higher risks and a great potential for injuries.

Since the first race on 1972, the concept of motorcycling racing and the organization of AMA or otherwise known as American Motorcyclist Association, has been making rounds and plannings to ensure that every year gets and exciting season. The first season will be on January 5th, which will take place in Anaheim, CA.

Supercross Live

Important Things to Know in Supercross 

Supercross this year is ultimately the best racing event happening fresh in the new year 2019. Watching it live in Anaheim will definitely be the best holiday vacation you have for yourself.

However, free time is not always for everyone. So instead of buzzing off from work and flying to Anaheim stadium, they instead just stay home and go for a Supercross Live Stream.

Although, if you have the time and the advantage to watch it at the stadium, the best tip is to secure your ticket online as early as today.

Meanwhile, if you can’t go live in a real event happening, you can still stream and watch online or at your home. Fox Sports is the official broadcaster of the game, if you are having a secure cable subscription it is likely for sure that you can get to watch it at home.

However, you can still stream to apps like YouTube TV, or SuperCross.TV who offers packages starting from $40 a month to watch the whole 18 seasons of the game.