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Discovering Brawl Stars APK for your Android device

Brawl Stars is a great game, it’s not the most graphic heavy game but it’s also its strength given that it doesn’t need a ton of RAM to run smoothly and it’s a strategy game. It’s not for the people that never use their minds to conquer their opponents, because of this many people has come to love this game and more and more people has now been playing it.

But there’s a big problem, for now (sadly) it’s only available in iOS device (yeah the iPhone). It does suck, right? Just like Pokémon Go, Mario Run, and many more games. All of it seems to go to Apple first before venturing on Android. A few days is forgivable but weeks? Months? No one can wait that long with their sanity intact! it is what it is, we can only speculate on why they did it in iOS first but worry not Android users because just like a dark tunnel, there is a light at the end of it, and it’s in a form of APK.

APK: APK is not known in the Android platform and it’s often associated with leaks and the “black ops” stuff. It’s part of that, but as many people didn’t know APK is actually a format, a type of file that can be used in various gadgets (tablets, desktop, laptop, mobile device) and platforms (iOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry and other OS out there. The only reason that you use APK files is in order for you to have something an app not available in the play store, an update that is not in the game and much more, some are illegal and some aren’t.

Brawl Stars: Is not a good game, it’s a great game!, a popular one too and it’s not really shocking that this has an APK. A Brawl Stars APK for Android is actually available online, but you do need to get this from a very reliable source. Since APKs are taken from sources outside play store, all the more that you have to be cautious because it might have things that can damage your software, steal your identity and much more. So you need to be safe.

Why it exists: Why it exists is because of loopholes, genius people and the drive to make thing available on various platforms. It has always been in the nature of humans to be creative and APKs are one of the proofs of that creativity.

With the release of Brawls Starts in Android still indefinite it puts people in the Android platform to be creative, we don’t know if the APK will work 100 percent or it will work at all because of some compatibility issues. The best thing to find out is to try it out yourself if you are open to the risks. If you don’t know how to there are a ton of sites and videos that can show you how. More importantly, download it on a highly trusted site or you can always to the game developers site if there is actually an APK for the game.