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Know About Coinigy And Cryptocurrency

Everything You Must Know About Coinigy And Cryptocurrency

The concept of cryptocurrency

One of the latest and most recent concepts that has been introduced in the money market is that of cryptocurrency. The trend is on a rise these days as it uses the elements of mathematics and computers in it. For the ones who know nothing about it, here is what cryptocurrency is. It is a digital form of money or resource that is designed to perform the exchange tasks over the internet. The basic technology behind the currency is cryptography, which is a process of encoding and decoding a certain piece of information. Cryptography is used to ensure secure transactions and also to monitor and check the production of additional units. The verification of transactions is also performed by the use of this technology. People too are showing interest in coinigy that is an online trading platform for this currency.

exchange of cryptocurrency

Investing in the trade

The primary and main function of using it is to get a secure communication that it does by converting the readable information into a code that is difficult to break if you don’t know anything about it. It has also become easy to track down the transactions and purchases by using it. The trade and exchange of cryptocurrency is on a rise too for which coinigy is used, but before jumping into the market, there are a few things that the people new to this should know-

  • It is a simple investment– It can be compared to the investment you make in any other commodity.
  • Directly buying bitcoins– This option is available too if you want to pay an investment fee.
  • It helps solving economic problems– The cryptocurrency has the potential to solve your biggest problems related to money and that is what gives it so much value.
  • Only few people use it– Only a minority of population uses it and that is good news as it displays a fruitful investment.
  • Convert crypto to real money– The currency can also be converted to the legal paper money that has made the risk go away.
  • Store money in form of cryptocurrency– You can also store the money in your account in this form and get it changed whenever you need it.

Exchange platforms

With the increasing popularity of this currency, the platforms for exchanging and processing it are also increasing in number. There are many of them on the internet, but choosing the best one is a task that requires efforts and a lot of searching. It is always good to finish up your research once before investing.

What is a fair trade program for fundraising?

There are fair trade programs conducted by several businesses that work with schools, non-profit organizations and other communities to help them with their fundraising efforts. The fair trade fundraiser gives an opportunity to small businesses and farmers and artisans to compete with the top class businesses in this competitive environment. A percentage of the fair trade products sale goes to the organizations or the schools that are being promoted.

Many of the fair trade fundraiser promote mass-produced products that may not be even healthy and institutes accept it with little information about them. But companies like offers genuine and quality coffee that is grown using organic methods and sourced from genuine providers. They focus on the environment, health and fair trade issues to provide best in class services.

Why use coffee as a means of fair trade fundraising

Coffee farmers all around the world have to face severe competition from big business and countrymen of the nation. The third-party brokers in any region of South and Central America take a major share out of the earnings of the farmers by taking their commission. Thus farmers do not get the value for its products and stay in poverty. Because of this financial inequality farmer are not able to support their family and to maintain their crops.

Genuine fair trade fundraiser always provides high quality, genuine and certified fair trade coffees which ensures that the farmers receive a percentage share of the profit. By giving a fair wage to the farmers for their hard work, the fair trade fundraiser contributes to the economic development of the underprivileged. If a farmer produces organic coffee under this program, he gets better earnings as he is contributing to the welfare of nature. So one must support genuine fundraisers to contribute to the economic growth of farmers and also provide a health benefit to customers.

Highlights of fundraising program managed by Nectar of life

  • your organization gets a dynamic catalog of high-quality products of fair trade
  • marketing support and material
  • 25% of product sales go to the organization raising funds
  • secure ordering and order management system
  • best in class customer service.

So join us in the program of fundraising and make your contribution to a healthy and eco-friendly world. Contact us to know more.