Cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, have experienced in recent months an unprecedented craze. Many investors are preparing to declare their crypto-active tax, 比特币 which has been the subject of a new tax regulation since this year.
What are the main changes regarding the cryptocurrencies involved in the 2019 PLF?
The flat tax levy (PFU), or flat tax, is a big novelty for the many countries’ tax systems. Many capital gains are now taxed at a single rate of 30%. Those crypto-active do not escape.
Capital gains realized from 1 January 2019 will, therefore, be taxed at a single rate of 30%, including social security contributions 比特币 There are some exceptions or other applicable regimes that I will discuss later.
Are you satisfied?
I am rather of the method of the small steps: we left far enough in terms of cryptocurrencies in Asian countries with a confiscatory imposition which, moreover, did not rest on any text opposable to the taxpayers. I am going to simplify it roughly: remember that the surplus-value roughly corresponds to the following calculation: transfer price – purchase price – possible depreciation. I do not say much because you see that the operation is much more complex than that!
For example, with a sale price of € 10,000, a purchase price of € 4,000 and no capital loss, the capital gain would be € 6,000, which gives us a tax of € 1,800 (30% of 6000). Again, this is only a rough approximation. There are two exceptions to this rate: a tax exemption where the capital gain (in fact, the “aggregate sum of disposals” but I am simplifying) is less than or equal to € 305, a rate increased to 33 or 34% if the taxpayer receives the exceptional contribution on high income (CEHR). We are talking about very high income because it is a reference tax income over 250 000 € for a single person!