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Understand the difference of NFT from cryptocurrency

Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are a sort of digital asset that may be used to represent real-world assets like art, music, in-game purchases, and movies. They’re usually encoded with the same software as other cryptos, and they’re bought and sold online, with bitcoin being the most common method.

Money is fungible, which means it may be exchanged for another rupee. By definition, a non-fungible token is not comparable to another non-fungible token. Each NFT is one-of-a-kind or part of a very short run and has its own unique code.

In today’s increasingly digital world, obtaining an NFT creates ownership of a certain digital asset. This implies that it is visible to everyone on the NFTs Muesums blockchain network and everyone knows who owns it.

It also has built-in authentication, which serves as proof of ownership. Digital bragging rightsare almost as valuable to artwork collectors itself. Because of the possibility of a change of ownership.

NFT platforms for influencers

As previously stated, fungible assets, such as currency notes, may be easily exchanged. Bitcoin and other crypto assets designed for use as currency are fungible, which implies that any two bitcoins are identical and hence interchangeable.

NFT is a crypto asset kept on blockchains (cryptographic digital ledgers), however unlike bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, each token is absolutely unique. NFT is kept on a blockchain, which is a public ledger that is decentralised and maintains track of transactions. Blockchain is the underlying technology that enables the creation of cryptocurrencies. Of course, this makes it ineffective as a means of commerce, but it is great for things like digital art certification.

Before NFT, no one could sell a jpeg for millions of dollars since no one knew which of the millions of copies was the original.

A jpg, on the other hand, may be copied. Furthermore, NFTs  Muesums may be programmed to do things like pay the artist a percentage of every sale of their digital work using so-called smart contracts, ensuring that the artist receives a piece of every sale.

It is typically created in the same way as cryptocurrencies like as Bitcoin and Ethereum, but the similarities end there, and its distinct value takes priority.