Things you need to understand about radiation dosimetry
Radiation is used in the medical sector to detect and treat various issues. But it also comes with the risk and so it is necessary for the healthcare providers to check their radiations periodically. The person who receives minimum radiation will not get affected, but the person with high radiation gets health issues. This is where using the dosimetría radiológica is essential to check the radiation measurements in the body.
Many would consider that dosimeter protects their body. But that’s not true. It is only used to detect and measure the radiation that your body has been exposed to. The badge will help the person to know about gamma, high-beta, or x-ray radiation. There are different types of dosimeters that are easy for the person to use while working.
Who needs a dosimeter?
Dosimeters should be used by the persons operating the x-ray machines in the healthcare sector, sealed or unsealed radioisotopes, and any other radiation equipment. Depending on the machine they work asked to wear one or more dosimeters. There are different forms of dosimeters available that include pen dosimeter, wrist dosimeter, ring dosimeter, and many others. It is easy to use these dosimeters, and analyze the radiation exposure.
You need to evaluate the dosimeters monthly or quarterly. All the details will be given in the badge. You have to wear and remove them at the right time. The dosimetría radiológica center will give you the reports. You can track the reports and also check your annual reports so that you could any health issues.
Dosimeter helps the person who working with radiation to know about their personal exposure every day. It also helps the healthcare unit to monitor their staff members’ exposure to radiation. By knowing their radiation exposure, they would understand how many doses exposed to and allow them to reduce the radiation exposure.
Hence, it is essential that every healthcare professional should understand the importance of dosimetry and should be aware of the exposure. All the staff members of the medical unit should be given proper knowledge about using the radiation machine to avoid getting exposure. Also, they should find the best center to get the details of the reports of radiation exposure of their staff member so that they could get the knowledge of the body radiation exposure and would take the right steps to avoid the exposure in the future.