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main treatment for piles

What People Need To Know About Piles

Piles also are known as hemorrhoids. Piles are there protrusions in the anal canal caused by constipation and overexertion that causes there protrusions of tissues and blood vessels. Piles will expand as people exert more force that makes these protruded veins trap blood causing the expansion. It will eventually subside once the person will stop exerting force or because of a finger pushing the protrusion back upwards.

alternative to piles treatment

The problem is that, if piles are not treated it will only get worse and worse and worse until the protrusion can be seen and it will bleed more, bulge more, irritate more and will hurt more. This is a problem that could have been remedied if a person that had the piles prevented from exerting too much.

How do people prevent getting piles: The ultimate goal is not overexerting, while the term “the force” might be appealing thank to Star Wars, if you see piles in the flesh, you would know why using “the force” is not exactly always a very good idea. To avoid overexertion, a person can do these things:

  • Eat a high fiber diet
  • Eat soft diet
  • Drink more water (yeah the 10 liters a day kind)
  • never be too excited to push the feces out
  • Avoid sitting on the throne for long periods of time
  • Avoid eating too many spicy foods
  • Learn about sitz bath

What is the main treatment for piles: The main treatment is a surgery called herniorrhaphy, where piles are removed. This is the ultimate treatment for piles and getting a surgery is not cool, to say the least. You see after surgery you have to spend your entire 2 months eating porridge so that you will not be constipated especially in the first 2-3 weeks where it’s highly advisable not to over exert in order not to damage the stitches.

Is there an alternative to piles treatment? There is actually, it’s in a form of an ayurvedic medicine. An Indian medicine that has been known to work 100% in the treatment of piles. The drug’s name is called Pfree and it’s one of the most amazing medicines that you can ever find. If you think that a surgery is not a good fit for you, try Pfree and see how this can make your life easier and cure your piles.

Piles is a very serious condition, for the fact that it affects a person’s well being (bowel movement). Problem with this, even if a person wants to treat their piles, they don’t because it’s hard to detect unless it’s already protruding, pain is already felt and blood in the stool is already showing. The best treatment for piles is prevention, like the ones being mentioned above. The only known and popular treatment for piles is surgery and that’s about it. That is why for the people that discovered Pfree, it’s a breathe of fresh air because it not only promises to help people get those nasty piles out, it’s also very cheap and can save a lot of people from the stress and not to mention costs of expensive operations just to remove some piles and spend the rests of their months eating porridge. If you wish to know about this revolutionary cure, you may visit their website for more details.