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Easy Ways To Improve Customer Loyalty Online

It’s nice to see more first-time visitors browse and buy from your website, but your business is only as sustainable as your ability to inspire customer loyalty and repeat purchases. Even as sellers see a healthy quantity of return visitors and engagement, they aren’t seeing results in terms of revenue. That can be changed with a few simple measures that help encourage more repeat purchases

Provide Incentive To Return
One of the most effective things you can do to gain more return purchases is to provide the incentive to do so. Customer loyalty programs and rewards points can be very motivating. Ecommerce company platforms allow for the creation of loyalty programs based on each dollar spent, completed transactions, and other parameters that encourage customers to return and buy again. The more customers buy from your shop, the more reason they’ll have to return and earn more points towards savings. This can be combined with special offers to double or increase points if they make a purchase within a specific time frame.

Build Customer Networks
Shopping incentives can also work with referral programs. You can offer your past and current customers special discounts and deals to encourage them to refer a friend or colleague. When that referred visitor makes a purchase, your original customer is rewarded and motivated to recommend your company again and again.

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Facilitate Connection And Communication
Communication is an important part of building loyalty that requires reaching out to your customer. Your goal should be to learn as much as you can to create a personalized shopping experience that builds loyalty and trust. With buyers that have only made one purchase or who have not made a purchase in a while, it’s good to check in with them and ensure there weren’t any issues that turned them off from additional purchases. If that was the case, you’ll have a chance to remedy any concerns.

Create A Personalized Experience
You can also encourage your past customers to complete a survey in exchange for a coupon or deal. In that process, you can gather information that will enable you to create a more personalized shopping experience. You can also use their browsing data to create custom email promotions on products you know have captured their interest. Even collecting your customer’s birthday or keeping track of the anniversary of their first purchase gives you a reason to reach out and offer a shopping incentive on a specific date.

Stay Relevant With Better Content
There’s a lot to be said for simply creating content that will be interesting to your customer without directly marketing a specific product or your company. Simply discussing issues, concerns, or trends related to one of their past purchases, and sending that interesting info in an email blast or creating an article and linking to it, can get them thinking about other items that you offer. Marketing campaigns that are built on a foundation of high quality, useful content can be powerful for building your company’s relevancy in your customer’s purchasing habits. It also helps you stay competitive over websites that offer similar products.